Friday, November 1, 2019

Project Review Report about the Sonic Pathfinder a microprocessor Assignment

Project Review Report about the Sonic Pathfinder a microprocessor based Travel Aid for the Blind - Assignment Example These are achievable through effective utilization of ultrasonic navigation and sonar or laser signals to distinguish the region for objects in one’s path way. 1.2. Methodological study, evaluation and analysis of the effectiveness of Sonic Pathfinder SP as were subjected under different environmental conditions and placements. A methodological study carried out consisted of two participants (One and Two), and behavior analysts who observed movements of these two participants. Given different environmental placements, as described in the Journal of Rehabilitation Research development, varied responses were obtained. These test environments were as follows: 1.2.1. Shopping Mall The conditions of the shopping mall chosen were that it was indoor, single level, with the irregularly shaped passageways lined with a number of retail outlets which are ever open to the passageways during business operation hours. Things that were in the Mall included signs, planters, product shows/displays and sitting benches that were located along walking paths. Pedestrian traffic concentration was determined as relatively high. As had been realized by Analyst One, a particular path from the main entrance towards the West entrance was a problem for the participant. This participant thought that acquiring SP would be a permanent solution to the problems experienced especially along the identified path. This study considered a Z-shaped path of travel within the shopping mall (from Northern to Eastern direction Entrance). The Participant initialized the experiment by facing south with their backs facing to the doors; they turned to their left and moved east, then south, then east ag ain to the Eastern direction Entrance. Along their path ways there existed open storefronts on either sides of the walkway, and the counter and display area of a florist to the right side of the southern leg extended beyond the waking path. The southern leg of the route also ended at the entrance to a boutique shop. Frequently, there were a string of people at an ATM on the east wall before the end of this path. The East entrance was at the extreme end of a corridor to the left of the boutique shop while the central point of the Shopping Mall (which is an open region serving as the hub or the various paths) was at the right. Remarkably, this was a region known for its heavy pedestrian traffic. For affectivity, the two participants were first familiarized with the route

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